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Dec 16

Wa Euro Best 2Wa Euro Best 2
Release Date: 12/16/09
Price: 1886 yen

Today’s the day! Wa Euro Best 2 is finally out and J-Euro fans will find plenty to love. Although Anime songs once again dominate, there’s also a nice selection of J-Pop covers, including the outstanding “Hana.”

You can listen to samples at HMV: http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/3693848

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Dec 15

SAT Complete Best 2SAT Complete Best 2Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Complete Best 2
Release Date: 1/20/10
Price: 2667 yen (Regular Edition) or 2857 yen (Limited Edition)

SATB Complete Best 2 was originally scheduled for release on December 16, but was delayed at the last minute to January 20 of next year. I’m not sure what the reason is for the delay, but I doubt the track list will change between now and January.

Speed Anime Trance Complete Best 2 serves up repeats from various SATB releases of the last year. SATB 7 gets the most love with 8 tracks, though SATB 8 is close behind with 7. SATB 6 only gets 4, however, which happens to be the same number of tracks that The Movie has represented. Meanwhile, Ecstasy gets 1 while Ecstasy Second Season gets 2. Surprisingly, the very first Code Speed Anime Trance Best is also sort of represented, with new remixes of three classic tracks. I guess that explains why the special figure is of Aria, one of the cover models for the first SATB. As far as I can tell, there’s only one new track. There don’t appear to be any new remixes, but we won’t know for sure until the album is out.

As with the first Complete Best, the sequel comes in two flavors. The limited edition is limited to only 12,000 copies and comes with a figure of Aria as well as sexier cover art. The regular cover has the girls in their original outfits. It’s a little strange that they have the cover model from Ecstasy so prominent, since there’s only one track from that CD.

SAT Complete Best 2

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Dec 14

164 from 203soundworksExit Tunes presents The Complete Best of 164 from 203soundworks feat. Hatsune Miku
Artist: 164 from 203soundworks
Release Date: 12/16/09
Price: 1905 yen

The third in a Quake trilogy of Hatsune Miku albums. This one will be produce by 164 from 203soundworks. Quake have set up a special website detailing the their upcoming Hatsune Miku releases. Personally, I think this one has the best cover of the three.

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Dec 13

Exit Trance presents UmaUma Dekiru Trance wo Tsukutte Mita 7 – Shiharai wa Makasero BariBari
Release Date: 2/3/10
Price: 1905 yen (Regular Edition) or 3143 yen (Limited Edition)

The seventh release in the UmaUma Trance series comes out next February in both a regular, CD only edition and a limited edition featuring a Duel Maid figure of Rinne, the cover girl on SATB 6 (huh?!). The limited edition is limited to only 3,000 copies.

Unfortunately, there’s absolutely no word on what songs may be included.

Pre-order the limited edition or the regular edition at CDJapan.

Dec 12

Anime House*Hit Parade!
Artist: B.U.S.
Release Date: 1/20/10
Price: 1905 yen

Huh, it looks like Quake finally decided to release an Anime House album after all. And in a surprising move, it’ll also serve as a solo artist album, as B.U.S. will be in charge of all the songs. I guess that explains why he hasn’t appeared much on the last few Exit Trance releases.

The album listing on CDJapan claims it’ll feature “Anime Song × Cafe Music,” so make of that what you will.

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Dec 11

Exit Tunes presents Vocalolegend
Release Date: 1/20/09
Price: 1905 yen

Another month, another Vocaloid album. This is technically the third in a series, after Vocarhythm and Vocalostar. I don’t really get why they have to change the title each time.

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Dec 10

Hime Trance 4Hime Trance 4
Release Date: 1/27/10
Price: 1886 yen

It’s Jasmine!!! Still no final track list, but updated descriptions are saying that it’ll feature trance remixes of popular Eurobeat songs, which may mean some Wa Euro Best crossovers. There was a rumor a while back that Nagisa would be appearing on Hime Trance, so maybe that’ll come to fruition.

CDJapan also claim that a first-press bonus will be included. If past releases are any indication, it’s probably just a sticker sheet again.

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Dec 9

Wa Euro Best 2Natsu Monogatari presents Wa Euro Best 2 -Download Selection-
Release Date: 12/9/09
Price: 1200 yen

In a surprise move, EMI have released Wa Euro Best 2 -Download Selection- a week before the CD is set to come out. It includes full versions of the all the songs from the CD except the two Pachislot tracks.

For those outside of Japan, you can grab the album from the Japanese iTunes store (where it’s listed as “Wa Wuro Best 2”) or Music Ocean. Thankfully, this time you can buy the entire album on iTunes for only 1,200 yen, which is a heck of a deal.

I’ll have track reviews up after I get the CD, but so far I’m very happy with most of the songs, “Para Horrible” aside (I think it may be worse than the Rina cover). There’s a good deal of variety, and the fact that most of these songs are actually new this time really makes it worth the money. “Hana” in particular turned out wonderfully.

In the meantime enjoy the TV commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1Mt291pcyA

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Dec 8

Ai Love J-EuroAi Love J-Euro ~Japanese Euro Beat Hits~
Release Date: 12/16/09
Price: 1900 yen

FARM will be releasing the cleverly titled Ai Love J-Euro on the same day as Wa Euro Best 2. “Ai” is the Japanese word for “love,” so the title can either be interpreted as “Love Love J-Euro” or “I Love J-Euro.”

The final track list is almost all repeats. Track 8 seems to be a new Akiba Koubou track, however, and track 9 appears to be new as well. Whether or not it’s Quake’s Maki remains to be seen.

Yes, those last 5 tracks aren’t J-Euro. They’ll be part of a bonus “Western Euro” megamix.

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Dec 7

Anime*Max 2
Release Date: 1/27/10
Price: 2500 yen

This is certainly a nice surprise! The first Anime*Max came out last April and featured Eurobeat/Hyper Techno covers of anime themes. It was produced by Ventura Music, who used to be a huge contributor to the Dancemania series. Anime*Max wasn’t quite as strong as some of Ventura’s other anime-related works (Anime*Mania, Techno Pop Anime), but it was a solid enough release. Plus, it brought us the epic hyper techno cover of “Gravity,” which would later go on to be included on Natasu Monogatari 2009. The CD didn’t make too much of an impact in terms of sales, so I always assumed it would just be a one-shot affair. Apparently it did well enough for Geneon, however, because they’ll be releasing a sequel in January.

It’s not yet clear if Ventura will be returning to produce, but Geneon will be auditioning for new vocalists.

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Dec 6

NikonikouhakuNikonikouhaku ~Minna de Tanoshiku Asonjaimashita~
Release Date: 12/9/09
Price: 2405 yen

Previously known as Nico Nico Kouhaku 2009 – Eurobeat Japan Best. The final title is a portmanteau of “Nico Nico” and “Kouhaku.” Nico Nico, of course, is the famous Japanese equivalent of YouTube, where many amateur singers upload their own videos. Kouhaku literally means “red and white,” and I believe in this case refers to a famous singing contest in which singers are separated into red teams and white teams.

The album is produced by Akiba Koubou, currently most famous for their work on Wa Euro Best and the Super Anime Remix series. I’m still unsure if the remixes are actually new since Akiba Koubou have already done a lot of these songs, but there are definitely new vocals. The new vocalists are all amateur singers who have made names for themselves on Nico Nico.

Samples can be heard at Nico Nico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8813797

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Dec 5

Anime Nitro ANiRe:MATiON EGGs
Release Date: 1/27/10
Price: 1905yen

Originally titled Anime Nitro*Itaoto Mix! vol. 2, the CD has since undergone a name change. It’s also been delayed from 12/9/09 to 1/27/10. Redalice and Maki Eguchi, who both appeared on the first Anime Nitro, are scheduled to appear.

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Dec 4

Ghibili in the MixGhibli in the Mix
Release Date: 12/4/09
Price: 1810 yen

A Ghibli compilation combining tracks from Ghibli Speed and The Best of Jazzin’ for Ghibli. This one’s notable for the inclusion of vocalist Sumi Shimamoto, who played the lead role in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. She’ll be singing five of the songs. Ironically, none of them will be from Nausicaä.

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Dec 3

Rock this Party!!Rock This Party!!
Release Date: 12/23/09
Price: 1900 yen

A house and electro compilation brought to you by FARM Records. Lots of current and classic hits will be covered. The title is being list as Rock This Party!! at most retailers, but the cover clearly says Pops Rock × House Tunes Vol. 1.

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Dec 2

HN DiamondHouse Nation -Diamond-
Release Date: 12/2/09
Price: 2427 yen (Limited Edition and Regular Edition)

The first-press limited edition will come housed in a digipak case and will include a discount ticket for entry at a House Nation part. The regular edition has neither. Both versions will be the same price, however, so you might as well get the limited edition.

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