Toho Eurobeat Vol. 5 ~ Imperishable Night
Release Date: 5/27/12
Price: 1400 yen
Doujin release featuring eurobeat covers of popular touhou songs. Odd that they’re releasing it in May, as in the past they’ve waited for the August Comiket to release TEB CDs. You can visit the official website for a crossfade demo.
For fans outside of Japan, White Canvas is willing to ship overseas, and they’ll be carrying TEB 5: For more information on their service, go to their info page: In addition to the price of the CD and overseas shipping, there’s also a 1,000 yen commission per order, so it might be a good idea to pick up TEB 1-4 and Best 2011 at the same time. Note that I haven’t used White Canvas, but I’ve read online that speak decent English, so it might be your best shot at acquiring these CDs.
CDJapan also have a new shopping service so you might be able to ask them to buy it for you.
01. Burnin’ Blood / Elementas feat. Aki (Honey Pocket)
02. No Routine / DJ Command feat. Koshida “Rute” Ryuuto
03. Still in Love / FN2 feat. Akane
04. Lunatic / T. Stebbins feat. Odyssey
05. God Bless You!! / Elementas feat. Nagisa
06. Promise the Moonlight / Honey Pocket feat. Aki (Honey Pocket), Remixed by DJ Command
07. Tsuki no Biyaku / FN2 feat. Cocoa
08. Let It Be / katsu+Sumijun feat. Shihori
09. Cage to Heart / Elementas feat. Koshida “Rute” Ryuuto
10. Kakehiki / DJ Command feat. Axel.K×Nagisa