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May 10

Super Ponybeat Vol. 1 [Alternate Versions]
Artist: Eurobeat Brony
Release Date: 5/22/11
Price: Name Your Own

Must…resist…giving grammar lesson. Anyway, T. Stebbins revisits the world of MLP with new songs and updated remixes.

The album is currently available on Bandcamp.

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May 7

Bukkomi Gachi Renchan Mix ~Age Oto Euro~
Release Date: 7/13/11
Price: 1524 yen

Yup, another J-Euro Pachislot compilation. It’s unclear if it’ll be Akiba Koubou producing, but all of the announced songs have been covered by AKBK in the past (repeatedly, in some cases).

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Apr 23

Luv Euro
Release Date: 4/27/11
Price: 1800 yen

J-Euro compilation produced and mixed by DJ Mocchi of Akiba Koubou. There are a few songs on this that have yet to appear on any other J-Euro compilations.

It’s available as a digital download at Amazon and iTunes, but I believe the digital version is the same as the CD release so don’t expect full versions.

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Apr 21

Geki Atsu! J-Euro Dai Ren Chan Senryoubako Version!
Release Date: 5/25/11
Price: 2190 yen

Third release in the Geki Atsu! J-Euro series. From the looks of it this’ll be a best-of release, though there will be new tracks included as well as tracks taken off other Akiba Koubou compilations.

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Apr 20

Natsu Euro
Release Date: 6/29/11
Price: 1800 yen

Another new release from Akiba Koubou. Details are sparse at the moment, but it is known that DJ Mocchi will be producing. Hopefully this one will actually have new tracks. :/

Pre-order at CDJapan.

Apr 19

Dekiruhazu! Zenbu!
Release Date: 6/8/11
Price: 1800 yen

Greatest hits album from J-Euro queen, Nagisa. Includes full versions of her biggest hits plus a non-stop mix by DJ Mocchi. The cover art is strangely reminiscent of Hime Trance o.O

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Apr 18
Luv Euro – Pre-release Info
icon1 DanceMaster | icon2 Eurobeat | icon4 04 18th, 2011| icon3No Comments »

Luv Euro
Release Date: 4/27/11
Price: 1800 yen

A J-Euro compilation produced by DJ Mocchi of Akiba Koubou. This being Akiba Koubou, you can expect tons of repeats including, of course, “Sousei” and “Zankoku.” It does look like there’ll be some new songs, however.

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Apr 17

Super Ponybeat Vol. 1
Artist: Eurobeat Brony
Release Date: 3/26/10
Price: Name Your Own

Travis Stebbins, aka Ken Blast aka Eurobeat Brony, takes on… My Little Pony?! Well, despite the source (or perhaps because of it), Mr. Stebbins has managed to turn out a rockin’, varied selection of eurobeat tracks. My personal favorite is the western-inspired “You Gotta Share.”

The album is currently available on Bandcamp.

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Apr 16

Toho Eurobeat Vol. 3 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Release Date: 3/13/11
Price: 1400 yen

Doujin release featuring eurobeat covers of popular touhou songs.

DJ Command from Akiba Koubou returns, as does Travis Stebbins, better known to SEB fans as Ken Blast.

For fans outside of Japan, White Canvas is willing to ship overseas, and they’ll be carrying TEB 3: http://www.w-canvas.com/shopping/detail.php?item_id=44553 For more information on their service, go to their info page: http://www.w-canvas.com/html/information.html#info. In addition to the price of the CD and overseas shipping, there’s also a 1,000 yen commission per order, so it might be a good idea to pick up TEB 1-3 at the same time. Note that I haven’t used White Canvas, but I’ve read online that speak decent English, so it might be your best shot at acquiring these CDs.

CDJapan also have a new shopping service so you might be able to ask them to buy it for you.

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Apr 10

ayu-mi-x 7 -Limited Complete Box Set-
Release Date: 4/20/11
Price: 10952 yen

This limited box set contains all 4 releases in the ayu-mi-x 7 series, plus a fifth bonus disc featuring a non-stop mix of songs selected from the other 4 CDs. In addition to a special case to hold the CDs, you’ll also receive LP-size posters featuring cover art from Ayumi’s previous albums.

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Apr 9

ayu-mi-x 7 presents ayu-ro mix 4
Release Date: 4/20/11
Price: 2500 yen

Eurobeat remixes of Ayumi Hamasaki hits. Super Eurobeat producers are prominently featured, but Akiba Koubou are also responsible for some of the remixes. The iTunes release is identical to the CD.

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Apr 5

Artist: Vibration All Stars
Price: $6.99 per album; $1.29 per track

I seem to be a bit late to the party, but Vibration/LED are back and have apparently been releasing tons of compilations on iTunes. The Supereurobeat series is of particular interest to Dancemania fans as it has full versions, instrumentals, a cappella versions of Dancemania tracks. A lot of these were released years ago on Juno Download, but there are two surprise tracks that have never before been made available.

First is “Super Super Hero” by Fireman, which made an appearance on Happy Paradise 2 but has never been made available on vinyl or any other media. “Super Super Hero” was a licensed track, but Davide Di Marcantonio did work on the Fireman project, so its inclusion on Supereurobeat Vol. 03 isn’t that inconceivable.

The real shocker is the “Euro Remix” of Deja Vu’s “My Heart Will Go On,” which originally appeared on Dancemania Euro*Mix Happy Paradise. Although it was available on a promo vinyl issued by EMI, I always assumed LED would never be able to release it themselves since it was licensed from Almighty. I’m honestly wondering if Almighty know about this, so you may want to grab it off Supereurobeat Vol. 01 in case Almighty ever decide to pull it.

I believe the only LED Dancemania tracks still not available are the ones from Natsu Monogatari 2009. With any luck they’ll appear on an upcoming release.

Full list of available albums and Dancemania-related tracks after the jump.

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Mar 23

Speed Anime M@ster ~Super Euro Best~
Release Date: 3/23/11
Price: 1900 yen

A few odd resings here and there, but for the most part it’s the same old songs Akiba Koubou have been using since the dawn of time (only a slight exaggeration). Resings are listed in bold.

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Mar 20

Super Vocalo Beat
Release Date: 6/1/11
Price: 2405 yen

They say the third time’s the charm, right? Binary Mixx Records have been planning a eurobeat vocaloid cover compilation since January, and this will be their third attempt at finally releasing it. Produced by Akiba Koubou, it’ll feature eurobeat covers of popular vocaloid songs. Additionally, it’ll have some well-known Utatte Mita singers doing the vocals. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while now. Let’s hope it’ll finally see the light of day.

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Mar 5

Artist: Usa
Release Date: 3/9/11
Price: 1905 yen

Utatte Mita singer, Usa, makes her major label debut in an explosive fashion! Here, she takes on classic vocaloid songs rearranged by Ram Rider and Akiba Koubou, who are represented by valle blanco, Sumijun, Rayto, and DJ Command.

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