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Feb 24

Dual Hearts
Artist: noisy
Release Date: 1/19/11
Price: 1905 yen

First album from Idol group, noisy. Much of the album is produced by Akiba Koubou producers, namely DJ Command and valle blanco, but there is a surprise guest appearance by an Exit Trance producer…

You can order the album and listen to samples at CDJapan.

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Feb 23

Super Vocalo Beat
Release Date: ???
Price: 2405 yen

Well, this is a bit odd. The final track list recently surfaced on the label’s official website, but it’s mysteriously disappeared. Listings on online shops have been pulled as well. Maybe they’re running into licensing issues? Let’s hope this release eventually sees the light of day, because it’d be really nice to hear new productions from Akiba Koubou for a change.

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Feb 19

Speed Anime M@ster ~Super Euro Best~
Release Date: 3/23/11
Price: 1900 yen

Victor are reviving the Speed Anime M@ster series, even though it’s been almost two years since the first release. This time Akiba Koubou will be producing the entire album, which can only mean one thing: REPEATS! Yes, there are a handful of resings, but for the most part it’s the same old songs AKBK. Was anyone really clamoring for Haruka’s version of “Sousei no Aquarion” yet again?

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Feb 15

Arigatou Gojaimasu (Single)
Artist: Doz
Release Date: 12/8/10
Price: 1000 yen (CD Only Version), 1800 yen (CD+DVD Version)

Hip-hop comedy duo, Doz, get the remix treatment from Prog5, Overhead Champion and DJ Command. The song is basically the same three words sung over and over again. o_O

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Feb 12

Artist: Usa
Release Date: 3/9/11
Price: 1905 yen

Utatte Mita singer, Usa, makes her major label debut in an explosive fashion! Here, she takes on classic vocaloid songs rearranged by Ram Rider and Akiba Koubou. Definitely one to look out for.

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Feb 9

Kouryaku Gundan presents J-Euro Buchi Kamashi Slo Pachi Best
Release Date: 2/23/11
Price: 1905 yen

Formerly known as J-Euro Pachinko Big Hits 20 Ren Chan. It’s a blatant ripoff of Tokuma Japan’s popular Geki Atsu! J-Euro series, which focuses on Pachinko/Pachislot themes. Sousei? Check. Zankoku? Check. There are a few new songs on the album, however, which I’ve bolded below. One of them is an original song by DJ Command… I guess I need to get this after all >_<

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Jan 24

Super Vocalo Beat
Release Date: 3/9/11
Price: 2405 yen

Just a quick update with some of the announced tracks. There’ll be 15 tracks in all on the final release.

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Jan 19

Anime Euro Best ~Girls Edition~
Release Date: 1/19/11
Price: 2286 yen

Only 3 new songs, and one of those is a resing. 🙁 One of the new songs is by DJ Command, while Sumijun of Halozy is responsible for the other two. “Shinryaku no Susume” is certainly up to DJ Command’s usual standards, and I actually really enjoy Sumijun’s work, but 2286 yen for a handful of new songs sure is a lot to ask.

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Jan 7

Super Vocalo Beat
Release Date: 3/9/11
Price: 2405 yen

A few months ago Avex announced a compilation titled “Vocaloid Eurobeat,” which was to feature eurobeat covers of Vocaloid songs and was to be produced by Akiba Koubou. However, Avex quietly canceled the CD, which supposed to be released on January 19. Well, it seems that the project has been reincarnated as “Super Vocalo Beat.” Presumably it will still be produced by Akiba Koubou producers, with Utatte Mita singers providing the vocals.

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Jan 6

Kiwami Euro Best
Release Date: 3/2/11
Price: 1900 yen

Whyyyyy? Oh, Avex, you never cease to amaze me. Instead of doing another release in the Super J-Euro Best Mix series, Avex have instead decided to blatantly rip off the Wa Euro Best series. Kiwami (Extreme) Euro Best will be produced by DJ Yossy, and will include many tracks already featured on other Akiba Koubou compilations. Yes, that means “Zankoku” and “Sousei.” AGAIN. Not to mention “Soko ni Aru Kamoshirenai…” There do appear to be some new tracks, but for the most part this serves as yet another reminder why Japanese eurobeat sales have been going downhill: TOO MANY REPEATS!

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Dec 29

Anime Euro Best ~Best Edition~
Release Date: 2/23/11
Price: 1905 yen

Seriously?! Dreamusic will be releasing an AEB best-of collection next February despite there only being 3 albums in the series so far, and a majority of those tracks were repeats from the Super Anime Remix series. The only upside about this release is that it’s 2000 yen instead of the usual 2400 yen.

30 tracks in all, with perhaps 2 or 3 new songs.

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Dec 28

Anime Euro Best ~Girls Edition~
Release Date: 2/16/11
Price: 1905 yen

A blatant ripoff of Tokuma Japan’s popular Geki Atsu! J-Euro series, which focuses on popular Pachinko/Pachislot themes. So far the list is composed only of old Akiba Koubou productions. It remains to be seen if that will change.

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Dec 27

Anime Euro Best ~Girls Edition~
Release Date: 1/19/11
Price: 2286 yen

The Anime Euro Best series continues with an edition focusing on girl anime themes. 13 tracks have been announced, and so far they’re all repeats. Assuming that there will be 16 tracks on the final list, that means there’ll only be 3 new tracks.

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Dec 17

Wa Euro presents Tokumori Anime
Release Date: 12/8/10
Price: 1500 yen

A special, limited release featuring the best of Wa Euro anime covers. In other words, yet another excuse to reuse the same old repeats. “Tokumori” is used in Japanese restaurants to refer to and “extra large” portion of food, so think of this as an extra helping of Wa Euro. I suppose 1500 yen for a CD release isn’t too bad, but after Premier Euro I don’t see a need for yet another best-of compilation.

As I said, the CD saw extremely limited release, so you won’t be able to find it on most online retailers. It looks like it won’t be available digitally, either. What? If EMI can reuse the same old tracks, I can reuse the same old descriptions. 😛

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Dec 16

Wa Euro presents Tokumori J-Pop
Release Date: 12/8/10
Price: 1500 yen

A special, limited release featuring the best of Wa Euro J-Pop covers. In other words, yet another excuse to reuse the same old repeats. “Tokumori” is used in Japanese restaurants to refer to and “extra large” portion of food, so think of this as an extra helping of Wa Euro. I suppose 1500 yen for a CD release isn’t too bad, but after Premier Euro I don’t see a need for yet another best-of compilation.

As I said, the CD saw extremely limited release, so you won’t be able to find it on most online retailers. It looks like it won’t be available digitally, either.

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