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Dec 15

Utatte Mita! Uta Gassen ~Minna de Tanoshiku Utacchai Mashita~
Release Date: 12/1/10
Price: 2405 yen

Spiritual successor to last December’s hit release, Nikonikouhaku ~Minna de Tanoshiku Asonjaimashita~. Once again produced by Akiba Koubou.

DJ Command fans will be happy to know that he’s responsible for 4 of the tracks here, though only two are new, with the other two being re-sings. In fact, there are a lot of old productions with new vocals on this. There are also guest producers like Sumijun, Asahi, and DJ Katsu.

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Dec 14

J-Pop Extra Beat Densetsu
Release Date: 11/3/10
Price: 2284 yen

There’s a surprising amount of 2bad on this. He has a total of 6 songs on the album, the same as valle blanco (though he may actually have 7; I forget who did “Ai ga Tomaranai”). Rayto has 4 tracks, though most of them are repeats or resings from other albums. And although there are two DJ Command songs, only one of them is new.

I got my copy of this the other day and it’s a pretty enjoyable listen and almost makes up for the repeat-fest known as Anime Euro Best ~Robot Edition~. While this also contains a fair number of repeats, the new songs are worth it. Standouts include “Linda Linda,” “Return to Myself,” and “Sekai de Ichiban Atsui Natsu.”

The digital version available at iTunes includes full-length tracks. Unfortunately, it’s 1800 yen and isn’t even iTunes Plus.

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Dec 13

Toho Eurobeat Vol. 2
Release Date: 12/30/10
Price: 1400 yen

Doujin release featuring eurobeat covers of popular touhou songs. It’ll first be available during C79 at a special price of 1,000 yen. After that, it’ll be available in Japanese shops for 1,400 yen. It’s unlikely that major online retailers will carry it, though.

DJ Command from Akiba Koubou returns, as does Travis Stebbins, better known to SEB fans as Ken Blast.

The official website will have a cross-fade demo that you can listen to on December 23: http://www.a1-label.com/c79_teb02.html

For fans outside of Japan, White Canvas is willing to ship overseas, and they’ll be carrying TEB 2: http://www.w-canvas.com/shopping/detail.php?item_id=44553 For more information on their service, go to their info page: http://www.w-canvas.com/html/information.html#info. In addition to the price of the CD and overseas shipping, there’s also a 1,000 yen commission per order, so it might be a good idea to pick up both TEB 1 and 2 at the same time. Note that I haven’t used White Canvas, but I’ve read online that speak decent English, so it might be your best shot at acquiring these CDs.

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Dec 12

Toho Euro Flash presents Toho Euromach ~TEF01 Non-Stop Mix
Release Date: 9/19/10
Price: 300 yen

There seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding this release. It’s just a non-stop mix of the songs that were featured on Toho Euro Flash. Hence the subtitle, TEF01 Non-Stop Mix. It’s simply a CD-R that was sold for 300 yen during the Reitaisei SP event back in September. The non-stop mix is 23 minutes long, and there are plenty of copies to be found on Yahoo Auctions. Unfortunately, no proper sequel to TEF01 has been announced just yet, though Comiket 79 is just around the corner.

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Oct 28

Luka Luka ? Night Fever (Single)
Artist: Nana Mitani
Release Date: 10/27/10
Price: 1429 yen

A CD+DVD single featuring Nana Mitani’s cover of “Luka Luka ? Night Fever.” The song was originally done by samfree, featuring the “vocals” of Luka Megurine. The single will have 4 tracks in all, including a new cover of TM Revolution’s “Hot Limit.”

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Oct 21

Super J-Euro Best Mix ~Hyper Tune~
Release Date: 10/20/10
Price: 2000 yen

Super J-Euro Best Mix ~Hyper Tune~ is out and the producers behind each track have been revealed. Valle blanco and DJ Command each get 3 tracks, while Rayto gets one. Plum round out the rest of the track list. Plum have also put up a quick preview of their songs on the album:

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Oct 17

Utatte Mita! Uta Gassen ~Minna de Tanoshiku Utacchai Mashita~
Release Date: 12/1/10
Price: 2405 yen

Spiritual successor to last December’s hit release, Nikonikouhaku ~Minna de Tanoshiku Asonjaimashita~. Once again produced by Akiba Koubou, expect appearances by popular Utatte Mita singers such as Yamadan, Hagane Tsuwamono, Usa, Hana-tan, Korosuke, Nodame, and Ayumi Nomiya.

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Oct 13

Geki Love J-Euro ~J-Pop Covers Best~
Release Date: 11/3/10
Price: 1900 yen

Looking pretty good. There are only 4 repeats, including two Nagisa tracks from Super J-Euro Best Mix. The compilation also features the return of Mari Ohta, whose song, “Realize,” has seemingly been pimped out endlessly by FARM.

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Oct 13

Buchiage Parance #11 (Haishin Gentei J*Dance Mix)
Release Date: 10/13/10
Price: 1200 yen

Digital release of Buchiage Parance #11. Almost exactly the same as the CD release, right down to track lengths, except five of the tracks have been removed. Still, it’s only 1,200 yen, so if you don’t care about the DVD it’s not a bad option.

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Oct 12

Super J-Euro Best Mix -Hyper-Super J-Euro Best Mix ~Hyper Tune~
Release Date: 10/20/10
Price: 2000 yen

Previously known as Super J-Euro Best Mix -Hyper-, the sequel to the original Super J-Euro Best Mix now has ~Hyper Tune~ as a subtitle. Avex have also unveiled the cover art, which is dramatically different from the original’s.

Judging by the track lengths, these are all full versions. I guess there’ll be no bonus non-stop mix this time, but the last one was so short it really wasn’t worth it anyway.

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Oct 11

Geki Atsu! J-Euro EX ~16 Ren Chan Version~
Release Date: 10/13/10
Price: 2284 yen

The EX(citing) sequel to Geki Atsu J-Euro. Believe it or not, according to Oricon’s sales charts the first edition actually sold fairly well, outselling even Avex’s Super J-Euro Best Mix. Mai Nishida will be the image girl on the cover, while the booklet will surely have even more pics of her in a bikini.

New tracks from Akiba Koubou mainstays like Kei, Miyabi, Shihori, and Mi->Na. There’ll also be plenty of tracks from established utatte mita singers like Usa and Priko.

Suzumi’s “Go Tight” appears to be the only “repeat” (it originally appeared on Dreamusic’s Super Anime Remix series), although if this is anything like the first Geki Atsu! then it’ll at least be rearranged a little.

6 tracks from DJ Command, 3 from Rayto, and 5 from valle blanco. 2bad fittingly has 2 songs.

Check out the rather mind-boggling PV:

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Sep 30

J-Pop Extra Beat Densetsu
Release Date: 11/3/10
Price: 2284 yen

A new series from Dreamusic and Akiba Koubou featuring eurobeat covers of J-Pop songs. A few of these tracks have previously been covered by Akiba Koubou, but for the most part it appears that we’ll be getting fresh material. Ouendan fan that I am, “Linda Linda” excites me the most.

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Sep 28

Super J-Euro Best Mix ~Hyper Tune~
Release Date: 10/20/10
Price: 2000 yen

Previously known as Super J-Euro Best Mix -Hyper-, the sequel to the original Super J-Euro Best Mix now has ~Hyper Tune~ as a subtitle. Avex have also unveiled the cover art, which is dramatically different from the original’s.

The final(?) track list is composed of 16 tracks. Either the first 15 tracks will be a non-stop mix, or there’ll be no bonus mega-mix this time around. I’m also assuming that track 16 will be a bonus track and will likely be the “Love Mix” of “Aitakunakute Aitakute.”

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Sep 20

Geki Love J-Euro ~J-Pop Covers Best~
Release Date: 11/3/10
Price: 1900 yen

FARM’s last true eurobeat compilation, Ai Love J-Euro, came out way back in December of last year and was unfortunately loaded with repeats. Here’s hoping FARM’s latest attempt to jump on the Wa Euro bandwagon yields better, more original results. The 16 tracks (out of 20) revealed so far look promising, as they’ve yet to appear on FARM compilations before. Neither have Akiba Koubou produced many of them, so even if it’s AKBK producing we should be treated to new tracks.

The album will be non-stop mixed by the one and only DJ Boss.

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Sep 19

Buchiage Parance #11 (CD+DVD)
Release Date: 9/29/10
Price: 2848 yen

Wa Euro Best make up a good portion of this 11th release in the Buchiage series. There are also numerous repeats from other Victor compulations. Oh well, at least there’s a new Kei song.

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