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Sep 17

Meccha Odoreru!! Betty
Release Date: 9/22/10
Price: 2848 yen

Dance covers and original songs performed by popular Gal Mama models. The DVD includes ParaPara routines and footage from club events.

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Sep 15

Anime Euro Best RobotAnime Euro Best ~Robot Edition~
Release Date: 9/15/10
Price: 2284 yen

Perhaps they should’ve just called it “Repeat Edition”? All but 3 of the tracks are repeats from the Super Anime Remix series. In fact, “Sousei no Aquarion” and “Shangri-La” were among the tracks that Akiba Koubou first produced when they started in 2008.

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Sep 9

Release Date: 9/8/10
Price: 2913 yen (CD Only Edition) or 3619 yen (CD+DVD Edition)

The J-Pop group, MAX, celebrates their 15th anniversary with a CD full of dance covers of J-Pop and anime songs. Most of the songs are done in a eurobeat/techno style, including the first single, “Cat’s Eye.”

The album is available in a CD only edition as well as a CD+DVD set. In attempt to screw people over, only the CD edition comes with a bonus track, “Tora Tora Tora (15th Anniversary Mix).”

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Sep 4

Luka Luka * Night Fever (Single)
Artist: Nana Mitani
Release Date: 10/27/10
Price: 1429 yen

A CD+DVD single featuring Nana Mitani’s cover of “Luka Luka ? Night Fever.” The song was originally done by samfree, featuring the “vocals” of Luka Megurine. The single will have 4 tracks in all, including a karaoke version of the song. It’s not yet known if the remaining tracks will be originals or just remixes.

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Sep 3

Fire Spirit
Artist: Kouhei
Release Date: 9/22/10
Price: 1905 yen

At what point does an utatte mita singer become a professional? If it’s when they release a CD with a major label, then Kouhei has officially hit the big leagues. Kouhei is perhaps best known for, well, his screaming. Witness his screaming in “Megu Megu*Fire Endless Night,” a fast-paced Eurobeat song originally made by samfree:

His first album will be full of anime and vocaloid covers. It should be fun to hear a lot of these songs with male vocals for a change.

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Aug 31

Aitakunakute Aitakute (Love Mix)
Artist: Nagisa
Release Date: 8/11/10
Price: 200 yen

Akiba Koubou recently release a slower, R&B remix of Nagisa’s “Aitakunakute Aitakute,” which originally appeared on Wa Euro Best 2. It’s also set to appear on the upcoming Super J-Euro Best Mix -Hyper-. It’s up for sale now on iTunes for 200 yen.

01. [4:34] Aitakunakute Aitakute (Love Mix)

Aug 14

Buchiage Parance #11 (CD+DVD)
Release Date: 9/22/10
Price: 2848 yen

Right, let’s try this again. Victor Japan initially announced Buchiage Parance for release on March 24 but canceled the album soon after. Well, it looks like they’re giving it a second try this September. Again, it’ll be a CD+DVD release, with the CD featuring a non-stop mix of trance, euro, and psychedelic songs. All of the announced tracks so far are repeats from Trance Rave Best 19 or the Koakuma magic series.

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Aug 13

TEBToho Euro Flash Vol. 1
Release Date: 8/14/10
Price: ??? yen

Toho Euro Flash is yet another doujin-produced eurobeat album that will make its debut this week at C78. As with Toho Eurobeat, TEF will collect eurobeat remakes of Touhou songs. The album will be arranged and mixed by the one and only DJ Command of Akiba Koubou. Visit the official website for more info: http://nijika.net/rec04/

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Aug 13

Geki Atsu! J-Euro EX ~16 Ren Chan Version~
Release Date: 10/13/10
Price: 2284 yen

The EX(citing) sequel to Geki Atsu J-Euro. Believe it or not, according to Oricon’s sales charts the first edition actually sold fairly well, outselling even Avex’s Super J-Euro Best Mix. Mai Nishida will be the image girl on the cover, while the booklet will surely have even more pics of her in a bikini.

The early list is surprisingly light on repeats. And if the first Geki Atsu! was any indication, even the repeats will at least get new rearrangements.

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Aug 12

Super J-Euro Best Mix -Hyper-
Release Date: 10/20/10
Price: 2000 yen

Super J-Euro Best Mix returns this fall with another set of covers and original songs. Nagisa’s “Aitakunakute Aitakute” will seemingly be repeated from Wa Euro Best 2, unless the “Hyper” sub-title means that the songs will undergo high-speed remixes. “Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru [Shiteyanyo]” is also a repeat, originally appearing on Super Anime Remix Touge 2. Well-known Utatte Mita singers Usa and Hana-tan will appear with new songs, however.

It’s also worth noting that it’s a tad cheaper than the first release.

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Aug 9

TEBToho Eurobeat Vol. 1
Release Date: 6/30/10
Price: 1400 yen

Doujin release featuring eurobeat covers of popular touhou songs. It’ll first be available during C78 at a special price of 1,000 yen. After that, it’ll be available in Japanese shops for 1,400 yen. It’s unlikely that major online retailers will carry it, though.

Most notable are a pair of Akiba Koubou artists, Rayto and DJ Command. Travis Stebbins, better known to SEB fans as Ken Blast, also provides vocals for two songs.

The official website has a cross-fade demo that you can listen to: http://www.a1-label.com/c78_teb01.html

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Aug 7

Age SongAge*Son ~Agaru Anison Compi~
Release Date: 8/11/10
Price: 2381 yen

Another anime-themed compilation from Avex. No “Zankoku,” but “Sousei no Aquarion” rears its overused head once again. Most of the tracks are by Avex artists like AAA, m.o.v.e and TRF. It is notable for a trio of Spacey tracks, including the debut of the Spacey vs. Polaris remix of Tsukasa’s “Shin Ai” as well as a Spacey vs. Polaris remix of “Dreams,” which just appeared on the excellent Aneuta compilation. Surprisingly, it also includes a FARM license in the form of mioco’s “Sorairo Days.”

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Jul 30

Chou! AnimebeatChou! Animebeat ~Best Hit Selection~
Release Date: 8/4/10
Price: 2405 yen

Long-T! OHC! Ryu*! kors k! DJ Command! Rayto! I think I’ve died and gone to J-Dance heaven. If the producers weren’t enough to entice you, the album also has a who’s who of vocalists. Shihori, Nagisa, and Mi->Na represent Akiba Koubou, and the Hime Trance queen, Kei, also makes an appearance. The rest of the artists include popular Nico Nico singers and producers, including Hana-tan, nayuta, baker, and IOSYS.

I’m most excited about “Naraku no Hana” being done by DJ Kaya. ^_^

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Jul 26

Anime Euro Best RobotAnime Euro Best ~Robot Edition~
Release Date: 9/15/10
Price: 2284 yen

The second release of the AEB series has robot-themed anime themes as a, umm, theme. All of the songs announced so far have already been done (in some cases, to death) by Akiba Koubou. There should be 18 tracks in all.

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Jul 20

Wa Euro Premier BestPremier Euro ~Download Selectiont
Release Date: 7/21/10
Price: 1500 yen

Downloads for Premier Euro are now up for sale. Pay 1,500 yen for songs you already have! I grabbed “Du-Du Di-Da” for the time being, and it’s a pretty good remix by valle blanco.

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