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Jul 19

Wa Euro Premier BestPremier Euro ~ Best of Wa Euro Best
Release Date: 7/21/10
Price: 2171 yen

The official Dancemania website has been updated with information on Premier Euro. The track list has changed slightly since last time, with “Cat’s Eye” being expelled in favor of “Shiny Summer.” Also, “Friends” is now being listed as a “9LoveJ Premier Mix.”

The album comes with a lyrics booklet and a limited edition “premium gold jacket.”

I’m still holding out hope that Premier Euro will become a new series. The title is less limiting, which would hopefully mean Western-produced eurobeat in addition to the J-Euro.

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Jul 13

Nico Nico KoushienNiconikoushien ~Minna Yakyuu Sukika!?~ – Pre-release Info~
Release Date: 7/21/10
Price: 2405 yen

Dizzi Mystica returns? On a eurobeat compilation?! ‘Tis true. While the bulk of this baseball-themed eurobeat album is handled by Akiba Koubou artists, Dizzi Mystica and kors k also make surprise appearances. As for the Akiba Koubou artists, valle blanco gets the most tracks with 5. DJ Command comes in next with 4, while Rayto gets 2 and 2bad gets only 1.

Akiba Koubou just created a YouTube account, and have put up an adorable preview video:

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Jul 10

Age*Son ~Agaru Anison Compi~
Release Date: 8/11/10
Price: 2381 yen

An eclectic mix of dance/house/trance covers of popular anime songs. In addition to AAA, TRF and m.o.v.e, you’ve also got non-acronym artists like Tsukasa, Happy Transmission, and mioco.

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Jul 9

Chou! AnimebeatChou! Animebeat ~Best Hit Selection~
Release Date: 8/4/10
Price: 2405 yen

A compilation of eurobeat anime song covers. Can anyone guess who’ll be producing? Yup, that’s right, Akiba Koubou. However, there will be appearances by the likes of Ryu*, Overhead Champion, and Long-T.

“Sousei” and “Zankoku” have been announced (uggh), but so has “Naraku no Hana” (yay!).

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Jul 5

Super J-Euro Best MixSuper J-Euro Best Mix
Release Date: 7/7/10
Price: 2381 yen

Akiba Koubou, Y&Co. and Plum are among the producers on this J-Euro compilation. In addition to a few J-Pop/Anime covers, there are also some original songs. The first track is a mini-mega-mix, while the rest of the tracks are full versions.

The last four tracks have already appeared on Dreamusic’s J-Euro releases but, with the exception of “God Knows…” will feature new vocals. I love DJ Command’s take on “God Knows…,” but it’s already been on way too many compilations. >_< Read the rest of this entry »

Jul 4

Baby Want YouBaby Want You (Single)
Artist: Pink Babys
Release Date: 5/19/10
Price: 952 yen

Debut single from Eurobeat unit, Pink Babys, which is composed of Star Fire dancers. Also includes a cover of “Dancing Hero,” the Japanese version of Angie Gold’s classic, “Eat You Up.”

You can buy the physical CD from HMV Japan or Amazon Japan.

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Jul 3

King & QueenKing & Queen (Single)
Artist: Kyoko Sakurai
Release Date: 7/29/09
Price: 1429 yen

Eurobeat single from Kyoko Sakurai. Features a remix from Star Fire.

You can buy the physical CD from HMV Japan or Amazon Japan.

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Jun 19

NiconikoushienNico Nico Koushien ~Minna Yakyuu Sukika!?~
Release Date: 7/21/10
Price: 2405 yen

A baseball-themed sequel to Nikonikouhaku. Akiba Koubou will be producing once again, though it’s unclear if the songs will still be done in a eurobeat style.

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Jun 16

Kiss no °CKiss no °C (Single)
Artist: noisy
Release Date: 4/7/10
Price: 952 yen

Second single from Idol group, noisy. Apparently it’s a cover of an old eurobeat song. The title track is produced by DJ Command, while “Sousei no Aquarion” is by valle blanco. Yes, that probably means it’s the same version of Sousei we’ve been hearing from Akiba Koubou for years now.

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Jun 15

Super Drift BeatSuper Drift Beat
Release Date: 6/16/10
Price: 1905 yen

Compilation from Akiba Koubou featuring the latest J-Euro repeats. It was given out in limited quantities during last March’s Moe Haku, and is now seeing an official wide release. HMV and CDJapan don’t have it listed quite yet, but it can be ordered from Amazon Japan.

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May 26

Premier EuroWa Euro Premier Best
Release Date: 7/21/10
Price: 2171 yen

Uggh, you’ve got to be kidding me. 7 songs from Wa Euro Best, 6 from WEB 2, 6 from WEB 3, and 4 “new” songs. The first Wa Euro Best was already full of repeats, and now we have to be subjected to them again? Even worse is the fact that this best-of album is more expensive than normal.

The new songs aren’t really too new, either. “Cat’s Eye” and “Hoshizora no Okurimono” could just be the original versions with different vocals. The only song I’m looking forward to is the new remix “Du-Du Di-Da.” It better not be just a re-edit of the Red Monster mix….

I guess Natsu Monogatari is officially dead, then. 🙁

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May 25

Super J-Euro Best MixSuper J-Euro Best Mix
Release Date: 7/7/10
Price: 2381 yen

Looks like Avex are trying to capitalize on the current Wa Euro craze. The album will include songs produced by none other than Akiba Koubou. So far 15 songs are planned.

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May 19

Eurobeat 2000 ~Around 30s Best~
Release Date: 6/9/10
Price: 2848 yen

Originally scheduled for release on May 19 under the title, Eurobeat 2000 ~Around 30s Best~, the CD+DVD set has been delayed to June 9 and has undergone a name change to reflect it’s source material. Some retailers, including CDJapan, are reporting that the release has been canceled, however.

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May 15

Geki Atsu! J-EuroGeki Atsu! J-Euro ~16 Ren Chan Version~
Release Date: 5/12/10
Price: 2284 yen

I’ve misjudged this album. A quick look at the track list suggested this was going to be repeat hell. However, a lot of the tracks have been rearranged or remixed completely, making for a surprisingly awesome, fresh experience. I’ve listed track producers and other notes after the jump.

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May 14

Anime Euro BestAnime Euro Best ~School Edition~
Release Date: 5/12/10
Price: 2284 yen

I just got my copy and for those wondering, it’s a non-stop mix. Unfortunately, no full versions appear to be available on iTunes yet. Then again, Dreamusic don’t use iTunes Plus, so they’d be low-quality, DRMed files anyway.

DJ Command absolutely dominates the album with 7 songs, though most are technically repeats or just have new vocals. Still, I think his cover of “Don’t say “lazy”” is my new favorite, displacing kors k’s version. The new Kei songs are great as well. If you can get past the Super Anime Remix repeats, it’s actually a pretty good album. And according to Akiba Koubou, it’s the first release in a new series. I guess AEB is replacing SAR then.

Also, the booklet and back cover list the wrong artist for track 16. They list it as Usa, but it’s really Mi->Na. Akiba Koubou are offering replacement booklets if you’re really bent out of shape about it.

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