Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15
Release Date: 4/4/12
Price: 1905 yen
A few songs have been announced, including themes from “Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai” and “Mawaru Penguin Drum.”
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Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15
Release Date: 4/4/12
Price: 1905 yen
A few songs have been announced, including themes from “Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai” and “Mawaru Penguin Drum.”
Psychedelic Covers ~R&B Best Hits~
Release Date: 1/11/12
Price: 900 yen
Psychedelic trance covers of R&B/Pop hits. Available exclusively on iTunes Japan.
Ama no Jaku (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 2/1/11
Price: 1238 yen
3rd maxi single from songstress Mayumi Morinaga. Technically it’s the fourth if, unlike Quake, you count “Drift of the Wind”. Producers include 164, 40mP, Kusoinaka P, and Another Infinity. First-press orders come with a B2-size poster and strap.
Visit the newly redesigned official Mayumi Morinaga website for samples.
It’s been a while since since the last one, but I’m hoping to make this a more regular feature in the future. Today the spotlight is on my current obsession, Daiki × ZK. This duo comprising DJ Daiki and Ace Closer have captured my attention with their addictive electro/house/trance remixes of pop hits, and I think they’re worthy of your attention, too. Check out the feature for some biographical info and a discography.
Edit: It looks like R&B Boutique -in the party- 2nd Floor, which I posted about yesterday, will see the debut of Daiki × ZK’s cover of “The Lazy Song.”
Utatte Mita J-Pop
Release Date: 3/7/12
Price: 1905 yen
More repeats from Akiba Koubou. Again, there had better be new arrangements or this’ll be another waste of space. If you didn’t notice, “Ginga Tetsudou 999” is listed on this as well as the Anison album. Maybe they’ll do both “Ginga Tetsudou 999” as well as “The Galaxy Express 999.” Or maybe they’ll put the same song on two different albums. :{
Announced utaite include Kouhey, Yuge, Yamadan, Usa and Priko.
Utatte Mita Anison
Release Date: 3/7/12
Price: 1905 yen
Sigh, here comes “Zankoku” again. Almost all of the tracks announced so far have been covered by Akiba Koubou in the past. At the very least we’ll get some resings, but the description provided to retailers did mention house, techno and trance remixes in addition to the usual euro so perhaps we’ll get new arrangements as well. Announced utaite include Kouhey, Yuge, Yamadan and Usa.
Utatte Mita J-Pop
Release Date: 3/7/12
Price: 1905 yen
It looks like EMI took a page from Tokuma’s book and will be releasing TWO AKBK CDs on the same day. I think we can officially declare March 7, 2012 as AKBK Day. For those keeping track, March 7 will see the release of 2 Utatte Mita CDs from EMI, 2 Geki Atsu! Drama Euro CDs from Tokuma, and Utatte Mita Best Selection from Full Moon.
Announced utaite include Kouhey, Yuge, Yamadan, Usa and Priko. This release’s theme is J-Pop covers, but I still wouldn’t be surprised if “Sousei” and “Zankoku” appear. So far it’s scheduled to be an 18-song non-stop mix.
Utatte Mita Anison
Release Date: 3/7/12
Price: 1905 yen
I suppose this should be a bit surprising since they abandoned the Wa Euro Best series, but it seems even EMI can’t escape the Utatte Mita craze. It’s actually not yet confirmed that Akiba Koubou will be handling this release, but the description promises House, Euro, Techno and Trance remixes so it sounds right up AKBK’s alley. Announced utaite include Kouhey, Yuge, Yamadan and Usa. This release’s theme is anime song covers, so don’t be alarmed if “Sousei” and “Zankoku” appear. So far it’s scheduled to be an 18-song non-stop mix.
Futokoro Trance
Release Date: 1/11/12
Price: 900 yen
Oh, dear. I have no idea what the intent was for the title of this digital only compilation. The kanji can be read as “futokoro,” which has a variety of meanings. If I had to guess, the title is probably “Handbag Trance,” a reference to the genre, handbag house. All of the songs are repeats from Mega Trance, and the track lengths suggest that it’s a non-stop mix.
The release date on iTunes Japan says it was released on January 11, 2011, but FARM’s website lists the year as 2012. Whatever the case may be, I’m just hoping that FARM haven’t forgotten their trance roots.
Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15
Release Date: 4/4/12
Price: 1905 yen
15th release in the SATB series arrives on schedule this April. Let’s hope MK makes a glorious return to the series. 😀
Pre-order at CDJapan.
Toho Cyber Trance Akai Halozy Trance Collection
Release Date: 12/30/11
Price: 1000 yen (C81) or 1500 (Shop)
Well, if someone was going to make a Toho Trance album, it might as well have been Halozy. Halozy are a doujin circle comprising Sumijun (arrange), Hotaru (vocals), and others. I’m under the impression that Halozy’s Sumijun is the same person as Akiba Koubou’s Sumijun, but there’s no mention of AKBK on the Halozy website or vice versa. Anyway, Halozy are mostly known for their dance/trance arrangements, so I’m a bit surprised it took them this long to release a full-on toho trance album. Guest artists include Blue Twinkle, Irus, and crouka. You can listen to a crossfade demo on the official website.
Etude No. 3 -Wakare no Kyoku- (Single)
Artist: N.O.-SYO
Release Date: 12/24/11
Price: $2.97
New single from rock-trance god, N.O.-SYO. Etude No. 3 -Wakare no Kyoku- (Music for Parting), also known as “Tristesse”, is a return to N.O.-SYO’s classical roots. None of the remixes really classify as trance, but there is a rockin’ Hard Rock version.
Ama no Jaku (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 2/1/12
Price: 1238 yen
Track list is out and it looks like there’ll be 3 Vocaloid covers plus one new, yet-to-be-titled Another Infinity song.
Ama no Jaku (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 2/1/12
Price: 1238 yen
3rd maxi single from songstress Mayumi Morinaga. Technically it’s the fourth if, unlike Quake, you count “Drift of the Wind”. I’m assuming this will be a cover of the 164 song. I wonder why it’s 300 yen more expensive than her previous singles, though.
Artist: Ryu?
Release Date: 10/5/11 ? 11/2/11 ? 12/7/11
Price: 1905 yen
Final list is out, and there are really only 3 new tracks. I suppose it’ll be nice to get extended versions of the beatmania songs, but I still expected more new material given that Ryu* hasn’t been on any of the Speed Anime Trance Best release this year.
Bonus items include a cell phone strap, yupo suction tack, mouse pad, B2-size poster, fake credit card, and clear file. The clear file is available if you send in the included questionnaire card, or if you order the cyber beatnation 2 + Rainbow?Rainbow 2 CD Set from Konami Style.
Also available from Konami Style is a cyber beatnation 2 + Rainbow?Rainbow + Live Ticket Set. That one’s probably only of interest to those in Japan since the Live Ticket gets you access to the Exit Tunes Academy release party on January 29, 2012. In addition to Another Infinity and Mayumi Morinaga, many other beatnation artists will be performing at the event.
Sadly, it appears that Konami are forgoing a Ryu* goods set for this release. 🙁