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Nov 20

cyber beatnation 2 -Hi Speed conclusion-
Release Date: 12/7/11
Price: 2381 yen

Sequel to the 2005 album featuring new remixes of Beatmania songs. This one essentially serves as yet another Ryu* album, however, considering that every track is either originally by Ryu* or remixed by him. Guest remixers include kors k, Hommarju, DJ Shimamura, REDALiCE, and JAKAZiD.

The album is available exclusively at Konami Style, so you’ll have to order it through a middleman if you’re outside of Japan. CDJapan has a special request service, but the commission fee starts at 1,500 yen. Another potentially cheaper option is Otokichi, who charges a nonrefundable request fee of 500 yen plus an additional commission fee of 500 yen for up to a 5000 yen order. Finally, VGM World is also known to take special orders, though I don’t know how much they’ll charge for this.

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Nov 17

Artist: Daisy×Daisy
Release Date: 11/16/11
Price: 3048 yen

First album from Daisy×Daisy, the solo project from rock vocalist, MiKA. Visit her official website for more background information (in English!).

Another Infinity make two appearances here, one of them featuring Mayumi Morinaga. Rap Bit, Sexy Synthesizer, and 40mP are just some of the other producers who contributed. The bonus track is a Ring Suzune version of “Yakimochi Tokidoki Hare,” which is odd since MiKA provided the vocal samples for Ring .o_O

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Nov 10

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 14
Release Date: 11/16/11
Price: 1905 yen

14th release in the SATB series and the first time since SATB 11 that there are 20 tracks. Dizzi Mystica absolutely dominates with 6 tracks, though Hommarju isn’t far behind with 5. Icon appears on 2 tracks, while booing day and plazma each get one. Mars, Hiro’s Alliance and Signal+K appear to be new artists or aliases. No tracks are attributed to MK 🙁

Pre-order early to ensure that you’ll get a limited edition cell phone strap and poster.

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Oct 30

Vocaloid Trance
Release Date: 10/5/11
Price: 2400 yen

I spotted this on iTunes Japan and thought it was a new release, but it turns out it’s just the digital version of Vocalo*Trance Best. Only 7 of the tracks from the CD can be found on the digital release. 6 of those 7 also get exclusive extended remixes. Still, 2400 yen and it’s not even iTunes Plus? Come on, Avex, get with the program already!

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Oct 20

Eikyuu no Kizuna (Single)
Artist: Daisy×Daisy
Release Date: 10/19/11
Price: 1524 yen (CD+DVD Edition) or 1238 yen (CD Only Edition)

Third single from Daisy×Daisy, this time featuring Another Infinity (Ryu* + Starving Trancer). The lead track was used as the OP theme for the anime, “Fairy Tale.” The single also contains 3 new collaborations from various Vocaloid producers.

The single is available as both a CD+DVD edition and a CD only edition. The DVD contains a couple of PVs, while the CD Only version comes with a mousepad if you order early.

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Oct 13

Digital Trax presents Vocalo*Trance Best
Release Date: 10/5/11
Price: 1905 yen

J-Trance legends OHC and DJ Kaya are just some of the names involved in this vocaloid trance cover album. Visit the official website for a crossfade demo.

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Oct 11

Artist: Ryu?
Release Date: 10/5/11 ? 11/2/11 ? 12/7/11
Price: 1905 yen

We finally have a title! Ryu’s 2nd/3rd album (depending on your perspective) will be titled after a song from IIDX 10th Style. Quake have also revealed more tracks, though so far there’s nothing new. According to Amazon there’ll be over 15 tracks, so at the very least we’ll get 2 new tracks.

Bonus items include a cell phone strap, yupo suction tack, mouse pad, B2-size poster, fake credit card, and clear file. Some of these bonuses will be limited, with the last two only available if you return the included survey. I imagine Konami Style will also offer their own exclusive bonus items if you order through them.

Looks like Ryu has a new logo, too. I liked the old one better. :/

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Sep 28

Eikyuu no Kizuna (Single)
Artist: Daisy×Daisy
Release Date: 10/19/11
Price: 1524 yen (CD+DVD Edition) or 1238 yen (CD Only Edition)

Third single from Daisy×Daisy, this time featuring Another Infinity (Ryu* + Starving Trancer). The lead track was used as the OP theme for the anime, “Fairy Tale.” The single also contains 3 new collaborations from various Vocaloid producers.

The single is available as both a CD+DVD edition and a CD only edition. The DVD contains a couple of PVs, while the CD Only version comes with a mousepad if you order early.

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Sep 27

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 14
Release Date: 11/16/11
Price: 1905 yen

14th release in the SATB series. Announced songs so far come from “The iDolm@ster,” “Natsume Yuujinchou San” and “Baka to Test to Shoukanju ni!”

Pre-order early for a limited edition cell phone strap.

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Sep 25

Psychedelic Rave Special No. 1 “W Name” Best ~DJ Ace vs. Infected Mushroom + V.I.P. Guest~ supported by Soul Japan
Release Date: 9/21/11
Price: 1900 yen

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner for most unnecessarily long title ever. This special Psychedelic Rave release focuses on DJ Ace and Infected Mushroom, with Kaiki Gesshoku as a special guest.

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Sep 14

Digital Trax presents Vocalo*Trance Best
Release Date: 10/5/11
Price: 1905 yen

A seemingly final list has emerged, and while it doesn’t have Shohei Matsumoto or Delaction, it does have Overhead Champion, kors k, and DJ Kaya. Sumijun gets the most tracks, however, with a total of 4. And while I assumed they would use Vocaloid vocals, some of the songs will be sung by Utatte Mita artists.

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Sep 2

Ryu 2nd Album (Tentative Title)
Artist: Ryu*
Release Date: 10/5/11 ? 11/2/11 ? 12/7/11
Price: 1905 yen

Delayed again to December 7. Still no title.

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Sep 1

Extra Whipping Cream (Experience) (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 9/7/11
Price: 952 yen

2nd maxi single from songstress Mayumi Morinaga. Technically it’s her third, but I guess Quake forgot about “Drift of the Wind.” Comes with a random sticker (1 of 3) featuring chibi Mayumi.

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Aug 19

Psychedelic Rave Special Best
Release Date: 7/20/10
Price: 1900 yen

Soul Japan presents DJ Ace & Infected Mushroom W Name Best, which was supposed to come out on 7/20, has been canceled in favor of a more broad release. It’s been well over a year since the last Psychedelic Rave release, so it’s interesting to see the series get revived. The tracks revealed so far are mostly the same as on the canceled release, with the addition of some songs by Kaiki Gesshoku.

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Aug 15

Digital Trax presents Vocalo*Trance Best
Release Date: 10/5/11
Price: 1905 yen

A new Vocaloid trance compilation from Avex. Promises to have new versions of classic Vocaloid songs done by top producers from the trance scene. I hope that means OHC, Delaction and Heavens Wire.

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