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Aug 11

Artist: N.O.-SYO feat. Britney Hamada & Yukari Hyougo
Release Date: 8/3/11
Price: 1619 yen

N.O.-SYO’s latest album features collaborations with Britney Hamada and Yukari Hyougo. Unfortunately, at the moment the album only seems to be available at Amazon Japan. Hopefully N.O.-SYO will at least put it up on iTunes, but he still hasn’t done so with Sound Drive -Dance Rock Mix-, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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Jul 27

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 13
Release Date: 8/3/11
Price: 1905 yen

Final list is out, and it’s absolutely dominated by Dizzi Mystica, who has a whopping 7 tracks. Hommarju comes in a distant second with 4 tracks. Booing Day gets 3 tracks, while MK and Icon each get 2. plasma rounds out the list of artists with a single track. Ryu* is presumably missing because he’s busy working on his next album.

Pre-order early to ensure that you’ll get a limited edition cell phone strap.

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Jul 26

Ryu 2nd Album (Tentative Title)
Artist: Ryu*
Release Date: 10/5/11 ? 11/2/11
Price: 1905 yen

Delayed to November 2nd, almost a year after the release of Ageha. The first batch of tracks have been announced, and they’re all licenses from Konami.

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Jul 11

Ryu 2nd Album (Tentative Title)
Artist: Ryu*
Release Date: 10/5/11
Price: 1905 yen

The follow-up to Ageha will be released this fall. No official title has been announced yet, but retailers are listing it as Ryu 2nd Album. They seem to be denying the existence of starmine.

No details yet on what songs will be included. In the meantime, why not enjoy some videos (including live performances) from Ryu*’s streaming channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ryu-stream-2010

Pre-order at CDJapan.

Jul 5

Artist: N.O.-SYO feat. Britney Hamada & Yukari Hyougo
Release Date: 8/3/11
Price: 1619 yen

N.O.-SYO is back with another album, this time featuring the breakout stars Britney Hamada and Yukari Hyougo. The two Pagal icons previously sang “Majipanee” on N.O.SYO’s last album, and the song was subsequently used as the ending theme for the TV show, Takarazuka ~cafe break~. Apparently it’s become popular enough to warrant an entire album of Britney and Yukari songs. Okay, technically it’s just 5 songs plus lots of remixes/instrumentals, for a total of 13 tracks.

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Jun 16

JapaNation Best J-Pop Mix
Release Date: 12/8/10
Price: 2286 yen

Third in the DJ Kaya-mixed series compiling danceable J-Pop songs.

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Jun 12

Extra Whipping Cream (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 9/7/11
Price: 952 yen

2nd maxi single from songstress Mayumi Morinaga. Technically it’s her third, but I guess Quake forgot about “Drift of the Wind.” Frankly, I’m surprised they haven’t put out an entire album. It’s been 4 years since Mayumi’s first album was released. :/ Comes with a sticker.

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Jun 5

Hold It Against Me (Single)
Artist: Alkaloid
Release Date: 6/10/11
Price: $2.49

A psychedelic trance cover of Britney’s “Hold It Against Me” produced by popular Psychedelic Lover producer, Alkaloid. Make sure to at least check out Beatport’s redesigned site. It’s much easier to navigate than the old one.

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May 31

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 13
Release Date: 8/3/11
Price: 1905 yen

Lucky number 13 in Quake’s long-running SATB series. Out of the songs announced so far, I’m most looking forward to “Magia.”

Pre-order early to ensure that you’ll get a limited edition cell phone strap.

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May 14

Soul Japan presents DJ Ace & Infected Mushroom W Name Best
Release Date: 7/20/10
Price: 1900 yen

The best of DJ Ace and Infected Mushroom, both familiar names in the Japanese psychedelic trance scene. For those wondering, the W basically means “double,” hence “double name best.”

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Apr 27

Exp. (Experience) (Single)
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 4/29/11
Price: 952 yen

New single from Mayumi Morinaga featuring all new songs produced by Ryu*, DJ Uto, Starving Trancer, and 40mP.

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Apr 10

ayu-mi-x 7 -Limited Complete Box Set-
Release Date: 4/20/11
Price: 10952 yen

This limited box set contains all 4 releases in the ayu-mi-x 7 series, plus a fifth bonus disc featuring a non-stop mix of songs selected from the other 4 CDs. In addition to a special case to hold the CDs, you’ll also receive LP-size posters featuring cover art from Ayumi’s previous albums.

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Apr 8

ayu-mi-x 7 presents ayu trance 4
Release Date: 4/20/11
Price: 2500 yen

Trance remixes of Ayumi Hamasaki tracks. Lots of familiar European producers, but Remo-con, DJ Joker and Heavens Wire also make appearances. Where’s Overhead Champion, though?

As with the House version, the Trance edition also has two different digital releases. The first includes extended versions, which are longer than the CD edits. The second features instrumental versions.

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Mar 29

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 12
Release Date: 4/6/11
Price: 1905 yen

Panty & Stocking! Hommarju starts off this 12th release in the SATB series — and the first Exit Trance release since last November’s SATB 11 — with a hyper techno version of the Panty & Stocking theme. “Down Town” is another highlight, though it didn’t turn out at all like what I expected. I thought it would be a lot more fast paced, but MK’s slower uplifting trance remix works nicely as well.

Sigh, I really wish Quake would go back to doing more Exit Trance releases. I miss the days of bizarre themed collections like Eki Trance or Kids Trance Land.

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Mar 25

DJ Kenny

Speaking of Trance Rave, DJ Kenny recently released a reworked version of his debut song, “Blue Force,” which originally appeared on Trance Rave Best 18. It’s unfortunate they didn’t get him and other Trance Rave artists to do new songs for Trance Rave Best 21. 🙁

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