We Found Love (Single)
Artist: Alkaloid
Release Date: 7/11/12
Price: $1.99
A Beatport-exclusive track from FARM Records. It’s a psychedelic trance cover of Rihanna’s “We Found Love.” Available only on Beatport.
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We Found Love (Single)
Artist: Alkaloid
Release Date: 7/11/12
Price: $1.99
A Beatport-exclusive track from FARM Records. It’s a psychedelic trance cover of Rihanna’s “We Found Love.” Available only on Beatport.
Heaven (Single)
Artist: Studio Zi-Zone feat. Angie
Release Date: 7/11/12
Price: $1.99
New digital single from FARM Records. It’s a trance cover of Bryan Adams’s “Heaven.” ‘Cause, you know, it’s never been done before. Available on iTunes Japan and Beatport.
Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 16
Release Date: 9/5/12
Price: 1905 yen
A few tracks have been revealed, including the 3rd OP theme from Nisemonogatari, “Platinum Disco.” Bonus items include a strap and, if you send in the included questionnaire, a 10-track karaoke CD.
Psychedelic Lover All Stars Best
Release Date: 6/27/12
Price: 1905 yen
Wow, a new Psychedelic Lover CD after almost 2 years! There are new tracks from both Western and Japanese artists, including series mainstays like GMS, InterSys, REW, DJ Ozawa, and DJ Yagi.
Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 16
Release Date: 9/5/12
Price: 1905 yen
16th release in the Speed Anime Trance Best series. In past years there were 3 main releases per year, usually around April, August and November. Either SATB 17 will come out in December or there’ll only be two releases in the series this year. :/
Pre-order at CDJapan.
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 6/6/12
Price: 2381 yen (CD+DVD Edition) or 1905 yen (CD Only Edition)
Five years after the release of her debut song, “One Million Miles,” Mayumi Morinaga finally comes out with her first album! Oddly, the tracklist differs slightly depending on whether you get the CD+DVD version or the CD only version. The CD+DVD version features “Fairy Tale” anime cover art and has “Glitter (Starving Trance Remix)” as the lead track and “Kamiuta” as track 10. The CD only version has those two tracks switched and has cover art that focuses on the new 164 song, “Kamiuta.”
The rest of the track list contains new songs as well as her Bemania repertoire and Exit Trance back catalog. It also includes some rare songs that were once exclusive to Comiket singles. Worth nothing is that “No Challenge, No Success (MK Remix)” FINALLY sees the light of day. MK has had it listed on his website since 2010, so it’s nice to finally hear it.
The CD+DVD version will also include a DVD featuring the “Glitter” music video as well as the “Fairy Tail” ending video w/o credits. Each version of the album comes with a fake credit card, B2 poster, clear file and strap featuring that version’s cover art. There are also retailer-exclusive bonuses for each version, ranging from key holders to tote bags. If all that weren’t enough, there’s also a special Ryu* CD that will be offered exclusively at the launch event.
Psychedelic Lover All Stars Best
Release Date: 6/27/12
Price: 1905 yen
Wow, a new Psychedelic Lover CD after almost 2 years! Maybe there’s still a chance for Mega Trance 12! Anyway, there are new tracks from both Western and Japanese artists, including series mainstays like GMS, InterSys, REW and DJ Yagi.
Artist: Mayumi Morinaga
Release Date: 6/6/12
Price: 2381 yen (CD+DVD Edition) or 1905 yen (CD Only Edition)
Five years after the release of her debut song, “One Million Miles,” Mayumi Morinaga finally comes out with her first album! The lead single will be “Glitter (Starving Trance Remix),” which is currently being used as the ending theme of the anime, “Fairy Tail.” The CD+DVD version will include a DVD featuring the “Glitter” music video as well as the “Fairy Tail” ending video w/o credits.
So far the only song announced has been “Glitter,” though I’m assuming there’ll also be a track titled, “Kamiuta.” You can probably also expect songs from here recent singles, and possibly some of her Bemani work. I’m hoping for an updated remix of “One Million Miles” for old times’ sake, but that would require Quake to remember their Exit Trance roots and we all know how likely that is.
Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15
Release Date: 4/4/12
Price: 1905 yen
15th release in the SATB series. MK makes a glorious return to the series with 3 tracks. Perhaps more surprising is Ryu* appearing for the first time since SATB 10. The kinoto alias also returns after a 2-year hiatus. Dizzi Mystica dominates the album, however, with a total of 7 tracks. Hommarju and Icon get 3 tracks each, while Booing Day rounds out the album with 2. Sigh, the album isn’t even featured on the front page of the Exit Tunes website. Shows how much Quake care about it
First-press copies come with a special cell phone strap. Send in the enclosed survey for a special instrumental/karaoke CD.
Utattemita J-Pop
Release Date: 3/7/12 ? 3/21/12
Price: 1905 yen
Utaite take on J-Pop classics. The track list is mostly composed of songs taken straight from J-Pop Extra Beat Densetsu and the first two Geki Atsu! Drama Euro releases.
Utattemita Anison
Release Date: 3/7/12 ? 3/21/12
Price: 1905 yen
Uggh, based on the producers of each track it doesn’t look like there’ll be any new arrangements, much less any new songs. The first 8 tracks appear to be taken straight from Anim80s, while the remaining tracks are from previous AKBK eurobeat albums. Very disappointing. It’s also odd that they’re not branding either Utattemita release as part of the Dancemania series. The only bright side is that some of the Anim80s repeats will get longer edits.
The album will be available on Amazon Japan’s download service as well as others, but the digital version is a non-stop mix like the CD.
For those wondering, “Nazo no Jinbutsu K” is better known to Hime Trance fans as Kei. It’s just the pseudonym she uses for singing on Nico Nico.
Vocalo Dance -Best Age! Tracks-
Release Date: 2/15/12 ? 2/29/12
Price: 2190 yen
The album came out yesterday, and in addition to EMI’s Vocalo Dance Website, Akiba Koubou have also put up a special website of their own, including a page detailing the bonuses.
Again, all editions come with a special cardboard sleeve and picture label CD, while first-press copies will also come with a special calendar and fake credit card. Retailers will also be distributing B2-sized posters on a first-come, first-served basis. If you go to the URL listed on the obi strip and answer a quick survey, you can also download some special wallpapers for your PC or smartphone, though this offer only lasts until August. CD Japan says there’ll be a sticker, but there’s no longer any mention of that on Amazon or EMI’s website.
As for retailer-exclusive bonuses, Animate will be offering a special “can badge,” which is just a fancy Japanese term for a pin. Tora no Ana will also have special can badge with a different design. Tsutaya will give out A4 clear files.
EMI have also uploaded a special digest of songs on YouTube:
Utattemita J-Pop
Release Date: 3/7/12 ? 3/21/12
Price: 1905 yen
Utaite take on J-Pop classics. The track list is mostly composed of songs taken from J-Pop Extra Beat Densetsu and the first two Geki Atsu! Drama Euro releases. I’m still hopeful that these will be new house/trance/euro arrangements, but I’m prepared for the worst. Oh well, at least it can finally be confirmed that BB Storm = Bibi, KoRo-Girl = Korosuke, and Koko on Boku = Boku, though in hindsight I feel like an idiot since those should have been really, really obvious.
Utattemita Anison
Release Date: 3/7/12 ? 3/21/12
Price: 1905 yen
Delayed a few weeks, but cover art and final list have been revealed. The good news is that they somehow managed to forget to put “Zankoku” and “Sousei” on this. The bad news is that most of these songs have been done by Akiba Koubou before. The good news is that the description for the album mentions house, techno and trance arrangements, so there’s a good chance that we’ll at least get some new arrangements. The bad news is that Akiba Koubou are very lazy, and there’s just as a good a chance that they’ll use the songs straight from Anim80s and other albums.
For those wondering, “Nazo no Jinbutsu K” is better known to Hime Trance fans as Kei. It’s just the pseudonym she uses for singing on Nico Nico.
Vocalo Dance -Best Age! Tracks-
Release Date: 2/15/12 ? 2/29/12
Price: 2190 yen
Vocalo Dance Mania! It looks like EMI are marketing this as part of the Dancemania series, as they’ve put a special site up for it: Vocalo Dance Official Website.
The first Vocaloid compilation from EMI comes with a bevy of bonuses. In addition to a special cardboard sleeve and picture label CD for all editions, first-press copies will also come with a special calendar and fake credit card. Retailers will also be distributing B2-sized posters on a first-come, first-served basis. If you go to the URL listed on the obi strip and answer a quick survey, you can also download some special wallpapers for your PC or smartphone, though this offer only lasts until August. CD Japan says there’ll be a sticker, but there’s no longer any mention of that on Amazon or EMI’s website.
As for retailer-exclusive bonuses, Animate will be offering a special “can badge,” which is just a fancy Japanese term for a pin. Tora no Ana will also have special can badge with a different design.
I can’t help but be disappointed by the track list, though. I was hoping for new arrangements, but most of these appear to be the original versions.