DJ*Groovy workshop. Glamorous Mix feat. TryHard Dancers
Release Date: 12/3/14
Price: 1050 yen
Digital non-stop mix from FARM Records that’s the sequel to Glamorous Mix. Features a mix of in-house covers and Spinnin’ Records.
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DJ*Groovy workshop. Glamorous Mix feat. TryHard Dancers
Release Date: 12/3/14
Price: 1050 yen
Digital non-stop mix from FARM Records that’s the sequel to Glamorous Mix. Features a mix of in-house covers and Spinnin’ Records.
Scandal Party -End of Year- (Christmas ~ Nenmatsu ni EDM ~ Yougaku Top 40 Best) (Scandal Party -X.O.X.O Special Night- End of Year Edition 2014 – Gossip Girls Party Now)
Release Date: 11/26/14
Price: 900 yen
New digital non-stop mix from FARM Records. Their in-house production of covers has slowed somewhat since they’ve been focusing on Spinnin’ Records releases lately, so the track list looks a little dated. And instead of listing individual artists every track artist is labeled as “Party Girls Night Project” instead.
Party Best 2014 Hits mixed by DJ Sancon
Release Date: 11/19/14
Price: 1050 yen
New digital non-stop mix from FARM Records. Uggh, FARM have gotten into the annoying habit of listing all of the tracks their digital albums under the Flavor Project alias instead of giving the actual artist for each track.
WMC presents Japan Selection Mix DJ Baby Mitsuru & DJ 2-Yan & DJ Tomopiro & DJ Ken-Bow & DJ Koba*chi DJ Mixes
Release Date: 10/29/14
Price: 1050 yen
New entry in FARM’s World Music Cruise series, which are digital only non-stop mixes by some of Japan’s top EDM artists. This one is mixed by 5 different DJs for some reason, one of whom is DJ Ken-Bow of Delaction.
T2 Shibuya presents Shibuya Mixx!! -Global EDM Party Vol. 1-
Release Date: 10/22/14
Price: 1200 yen
New digital non-stop mix that’s a collaboration between FARM Records and T2 Shibuya, a club in Shibuya, Japan. It’s mostly EDM from Spinnin’ Records. Mixed by DJ Shu and DJ Ten (yes, that DJ Ten).
electrox -Compilation-
Release Date: 12/10/14
Price: 1350 yen
The digital version of electrox -EDM Mega Festival-. Features full versions of 35 songs from the non-stop mix.
Luxy Party Vol. 4
Release Date: 10/29/14
Price: 600 yen
Fourth release in the Luxy Party series from Groovy inc., makers of the Party Hits series.
Available on iTunes Japan.
Party Hits R&B -Let It Go!!!-
Release Date: 10/15/14
Price: 600 yen
New digital compilation from Groovy inc., makers of the Party Hits series. It’s ridiculous how popular “Let It Go” continues to be. Includes a DJ Hiroki remix of “Stay the Night.”
Release Date: 9/24/14
Price: 900 yen
New EP from Party Animal, which is basically DJ Tora and four dancers. The first EP was released under FARM Records, but this one is being released by DJ U*Hey?’s new label, Star Music. Also includes a new remix of “One Chance?” by Turntable Junkies, which DJ Kaya is a part of.
Soccer Song Best
Release Date: 6/11/14
Price: 600 yen
Digital EP from FARM Records featuring house covers of popular football anthems.
I Love EDM -The Best & The Greatest-
Release Date: 10/8/14
Price: 1000 yen
Full versions of 17 songs from the recent I Love EDM release.
Party Flavor 3 ~Best Hit Collection~
Release Date: 10/22/14
Price: 900 yen
Digital compilation from FARM Records featuring full versions of their covers. The artists are listed as “Flavor Project,” but I’ve listed the original names where possible.
The King of EDM mixed by DJ Yagi & DJ Taga
Release Date: 10/1/14
Price: 900 yen
Digital non-stop mix featuring hit EDM tracks. Mixed by DJ Yagi & DJ Taga. DJ Yagi used to be featured quite prominently on FARM’s Psychedelic Lover series, so it’s interesting to see him doing EDM now.
Party Time 2 Compilation
Release Date: 9/17/14
Price: 600 yen
15 full versions from the recently released Party Time -Monster Hits-.
House Flavor R&B ~Original Best~ Vol. 10
Release Date: 8/27/14
Price: 1050 yen
10th release in the digital series, which collects fulls versions of songs from various FARM compilations. FARM now list these on iTunes under the artist, Flavor Project. I’ve listed the actual artists here, but they’ve covered some songs numerous times so there may be some errors.